Saturday, June 7, 2014

3Kicks Summer term is starting 6/30/14

Please check out our new schedule.  We have some new exciting classes and workshops for the Summer !!!
To register online, please visit

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sunny Apinchapong 5 Days Intensive Painting Workshop

5 Days Intensive Painting Workshop - Sunny Apinchapong

Workshop Description
This is an intensive 5 days workshop.  On top of the 6 hours each day, Sunny will be giving an extra 2 hour demo on 2 of the 5 days. There will be both still life set up and live model at this workshop.  All aspects of painting will be covered in these 5 day workshop.
June 25th - 29th
9am - 4pm

Online registration

Uninsturcted Workshop Schedule - 6/5/14 & 6/8/14